
About Baptism

We believe that BAPTISM is the outward expression of what Christ has already done inside your heart. Baptism shows the world that “I BELONG TO HIM.” At Shore Christian Church, we believe baptism is an integral part of any Christ follower's walk. The Bible says to repent, be baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). We practice this through full-immersion baptism, symbolizing the death of our old life and the resurrection of our new life with Christ (Romans 6:1-11) We encourage everyone considering baptism to watch this sermon for more information.


I've acknowledged my need for a Savior, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and I believe that He was raised to life and I am now raised to life because I have asked Jesus to come into my life. (Romans 10:9)

Old Ways

I've asked for forgiveness and I want to leave behind my old ways and the person I used to be before I met Jesus. I believe that He died for me so that my old ways and my sins are wiped clean and through God's grace, I can now walk in freedom with Christ Jesus. (Acts 3:19)

New Life

I believe that my baptism will be my public profession of my love for Jesus and the new life that I have found in him. I believe that just as Jesus was raised to life again, because He now lives in me, I too am being raised into a new life with Christ. The old me is gone, it is now Christ who lives in me. (Ephesians 2:4-5, Colossians 2:12)


What do I wear?

Comfortable clothes that you are okay getting wet, like athletic shorts and a t-shirt. We will provide you with a dark blue Shore Christian Church Baptism t-shirt that you can change into. Please bring a change of clothes, a bag for your wet clothing, and a towel!

When and where?

We host baptisms several times a year, both at church and in the summer on the beach. After you complete the contact form, we will let you know all the details for our next baptisms.

Who will baptize me?

Pastor Isaac, assisted by Pastor Diamond or another church leader.

Are there any prerequisites for Baptism?

Yes, we ask that you have confessed and received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you feel comfortable, we would love to hear your testimony before being baptized!


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